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[Original size] Local Growth, GLobal Opportunity (1024 × 500 px)


We believe…

Personal development is critical to organizational and community development. If we can help individuals to develop personal skills and expose them to more opportunities, they will have the tools and the confidence to take on new challenges, whether these challenges are in their everyday lives or their careers. They will feel more prepared to take on leadership roles within JCI, but also take on more roles and initiatives in their communities. 

Through personal development and expanded opportunities, we can create a stronger members, a stronger JCI Michigan, and a stronger world, for the next 100 years.

Prepare the Environment

By defining who we are and what we do, we are better able to create the environment that attracts and retains new members and partners.

Weed Out Distractions

From innovating our events to align better with our members’ needs to streamlining our operations – we should focus on what matters and eliminate the rest.


Just like flowers don’t bloom without sun or water, our members don’t grow without opportunity. Personal development is critical to organizational development and to community development.


JCI gives members the opportunity to travel and meet people around the world. This global mindset allows us to gain insight into other communities and then take that knowledge back to our own.


We need to lower the barriers that limit what our members are able to accomplish. JCI Michigan should be providing the support necessary to grow our members faster and stronger – both as individuals and as members of JCI.

By providing as many growth opportunities as possible to our members, we will strengthen JCI Michigan for the next 100 years.